Ask AI Node Error

I am getting errors for my Ask AI node:

First run resulted in this error:

e[31m Ask AI Failed!
Error code: 500 - {‘error’: {‘message’: ‘Internal server error’, ‘type’: ‘auth_subrequest_error’, ‘param’: None, ‘code’: ‘internal_error’}}e[0m

Second run resulted in this error:

e[31m Ask AI Failed!
Error code: 500 - {‘error’: {‘message’: ‘Timed out generating response. Please try again with a shorter prompt or with max_tokens set to a lower value.’, ‘type’: ‘internal_error’, ‘param’: None, ‘code’: ‘request_timeout’}}e[0m

This same node had been working fine up until now.

Hey @jts_14 - I’ve requested access to view the flow. You can also enable ‘anyone with the link can view’ under the share button. Will look into this once I’ve access :slight_smile:

Also, are you using your own API keys here by any chance?

There was a temporary outage with OpenAI API earlier today, could you try and run the flow again please?

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Hey @Wasay-Gumloop yeah this working now. Was just due to the outage. Thanks

Awesome, thanks for the update!

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