Automation Quote Generation for Service Industry

Hello Folks,
Just sharing an end to end flow for creating a Quote Generation application. Here are the components that I used to build it

  • Interfaces
  • Ask AI
  • Analyze Image
  • Google Doc Writer

Here is a link to the full build:
Demo :

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This is super cool @Shrikar, thank you very much for sharing! Subscribed to your channel :handshake:

It is very cool!
Problem still is that the user with the faulty sink still needs to be in Gumloop. We can not make it accesable outside Gumloop ā€¦ Would be (super) cool!

Just subscribed to your YT, thanks!
Iā€™m curious: how would you expose the interface to non-gumloop users?

You can share the interface link but running the interface requires a Gumloop account.