Connecting google sheet in If-Else node in workflow

Hi there, I’m trying to create this workflow but not seeing how I connect the Google Sheet node to the If-Else to the ‘Conditions’ section.

Proposed Workflow

  1. View sender email address via Gmail
  2. Check if email address is on google sheet
  3. if email address exists do nothing
  4. if email address does not exist, add email and other information fields to the google sheet

Hey @chriswaterman - The condition in the IF-ELSE node can’t be exposed as a dynamic input as of now. You can use a Filter node here though. Something like this would work:

Let me know if this makes sense.

Thanks for quick response and that makes sense. So I’d just drop in the google sheets URL into this workflow then?

I just tested this using my personal email (as it’s not included in the google sheet). Even though it says it added the row, I don’t see a new row with my personal email address added to the google sheet.

I’ve requested access to view the flow. You can also enable ‘anyone with the link can view’ under the share button.

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I see the issue (subflow was not updated properly). Try using this workbook:

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that worked!! thank you so much for the help.

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