Error in Error Shield node?

This seems like a contradiction in itself, but the error shield node is giving me an error???

Error Shield Failed!
There was an error in your Error Shield node. We can help you troubleshoot in the Gumloop Forum!

This is very strange, is this happening every time or is it a one-off error?

It happened today 3 times in a row (the trigger was then disabled because of it).

I’ll test again later today and I’ll let you know.

Thanks let me investigate further – one suggestion I would have is can you try just deleting the error shield and adding it back in?

Deleted and added back the error shield node. It is working now.

Cool, I’ll investigate further, but ping in this thread if it shows up again

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Hey @rahul-gumloop, it is happening again. Here’s a link to one of the runs

Hey, thanks for the update. I believe I pushed a fix for this now. Please let me know if it happens again

Thanks Rahul. Will test and let you know

It has been working really well FYI. No errors

Thanks, I’m marking this as resolved, but feel free to create a new ticket if it comes up again.

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