Extract content from PDF files having the same name but located in different mail inbox

I tried to create an agent which help extracted data from my payslip mail. Every week, I would receive an email containing PDF file, named PaySlip. The flow runs successfully but all rows contain data from the 1st PDF file only. I tried another approach by saving those PDF files into google drive and ensure those files have different names before running data extraction. The PDF files are named differently in the google drive folder, however, the content is still the same, the content of all 20 PDF files are coming from the 1st PDF file. Hope to hear from everyone how to solve this issue. Thanks

Hey @sengsan - Could you please share the run link from the history page with share access enabled so I can take a look at the flow and identify the issue?

Hey @sengsan - This is the workbook link, could you please share the run link instead from the history page so I can take a look at this error:

The flow runs successfully but all rows contain data from the 1st PDF file only

The run link would have the run_id in the URL.


Hope this is the correct one.

Thank you for sharing! The issue here is that the PDF Reader node does not natively work with Drive File URLs. In this case you can connect the Attachment output from the Gmail Reader node with the File input of the PDF Reader node.

Here’s an example: https://www.gumloop.com/pipeline?workbook_id=mPGufFkyybBkbawdXiSp3B

Let me know if this works for you.

Thanks Wasay for supporting. I tried the suggested method. It did run successfully, but the content is not accurate. It is still the same problem, all rows or all PDFs files were exactly the same, no new data / files.

Could you share the run link for this please? Access to the sheet you’re writing would be helpful too: wasay@gumloop.com

Hi Wasay. Please kindly check this.

And the google sheet is already shared to your email. I tried this flow with attached PDF files having different name, it works perfectly. But when the attached PDF files have the same name, it does not work.
Thank you