Formstack integration?

I use Formstack to create forms that collect parent information for our school. One of our forms includes the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Student Number, and Student Image (where parents upload a .jpg or .png file).

Formstack generates a PDF from the submitted data and sends it to the school recipient. The PDF includes the First and Last names but only provides a clickable link to the student’s picture.

What We Want to Achieve:
We’d like the PDF sent to the recipient to include the student’s picture within the PDF itself, alongside the First and Last names, so everything is visible in one document without needing to click a link.

Handling Additional Uploads:

  • If parents upload a PDF (e.g., a medical form), we want the final PDF to include the First and Last name information, and append the uploaded PDF to it—resulting in a single, combined document.
  • If the form includes both a picture and an attached PDF, we want both incorporated into the final PDF.

Can Gumloop help automate this process to embed images and append PDFs directly into the final document? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hey @Russ - We don’t have a native integration with Formstack however you can create a custom node for this: Gumloop Custom Nodes

This is going to be slightly tricky so if you get stuck, feel free to reach out here!

Is there a tutorial or something I can reference? I don’t even know where to start. haha

Yes of course!

General Tutorials for Gumloop:
Title: Building your first Gumloop flow
Video 1: Getting started with Gumloop

Title: Loop mode, subflows and error shields
Video 2: 2_Getting started with Gumloop Loop mode, subflows and error shields_review

Title: Gumloop Interfaces
Video 3: Interfaces

Custom Nodes:

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