Getting an error when selecting a google sheet for google sheet reader

Hey @kamlad - Could you please revoke and re-authenticate Google Sheet and Google Drive credentials here:

Once you’ve done that please remove the nodes, add them back and try again.

Let me know if that works for you.

Hi Wasay

Yes, that worked. Thank you.

I have an error on the workflow but can’t figure it out? Here is a screen shot:

Can you help please?



Ah I see. You’re passing in a List while the data type on the Sheet Updater is expecting List of List. Disable loop mode on the Sheet Updater node and you should be good to go.

Hi Wasay

I did that and it worked. When I ran the flow, I got this error:

Is there a course I can go on or some 1:1 help me learn about using GumLoop?

If you click on the Sheet Updater node on the run report you’ll see this error message:

Search Value must be provided!

The Google Sheet Updater node is used to update existing rows on a Google Sheet. The way the node finds the relevant row to update is using a Search Value and Search Column. You can learn more about it here:

Let me know if this makes sense and works for you.

Hi Wasay

Thank you for this but I didn’t put a value in as I want to transfer all data from the 3 columns from one sheet to the last empty rows in the updater sheet. I want to do this with the same 3 columns in 3 input sheets to one updater sheet.

Then I would like to categorise the new entries in the updater sheet in the 4th column using the drop-down list and criteria is based on historic data from previous rows and entries in prvious versions of the updater sheet. The 5th column will be populated based on the source sheet the data in that row came from.

Can you help me create this flow please?

This is a test flow for my personal use to learn how to use Gumloop. Once I have tested it, I am going to use it to develop a flow for a business I’m involved in who are scaling up but need to automate processes internally and for their clients.

I see. You should use the Google Sheet Writer node in this case. It adds new rows to a Google Sheet instead of updating existing rows. It’ll add new rows wherever your current data ends.

Hi Wasay

Thank you. This worked fine but for some reason, the columns has entered towards one column to the right. See here:

How can I fix this?

Also, can I change the new amounts to positives, i.e. remove the ‘-‘ minus sign?

I want to do this with the same 3 columns in 2 additional input reader sheets to same one writer sheet.

Then I would like to categorise the new entries in the updater sheet in the 4th column (Category) using the drop-down list and criteria is based on historic data from previous rows and entries in previous versions of the updater sheet. The 5th column (Account) will be populated based on the source sheet the data in that row came from. i.e. From sheet ANZ – ANZ, Transactions – ING Daily, Transaction (1) – ING Splurge.

Can you help me create this flow please?

This is a test flow for my personal use to learn how to use Gumloop. Once I have tested it, I am going to use it to develop a flow for a business I’m involved in who are scaling up but need to automate processes internally and for their clients.

Many Thanks and Kind Regards,

Kam (Kamlesh Lad)

M-AU: +61 (0)488 955 005

Could you share the run link from the history page so I can take a look at the column mismatch issue.

As for your other questions:

Also, can I change the new amounts to positives, i.e. remove the ‘-‘ minus sign?

Yes, you can add an AI step that takes the amount as context and outputs the positive number.

Then I would like to categorise the new entries in the updater sheet in the 4th column (Category) using the drop-down list and criteria is based on historic data from previous rows and entries in previous versions of the updater sheet. The 5th column (Account) will be populated based on the source sheet the data in that row came from. i.e. From sheet ANZ – ANZ, Transactions – ING Daily, Transaction (1) – ING Splurge.

You can use the AI Categorizer node here.

We don’t have the capacity to build flows for users but if you get stuck feel free to reach out here. Would also recommend joining the Gumloop educational cohort so you can learn the basics of Gumloop and get fully up to speed with it.

Hi Wasay

I got the minus thing to work – thanks :blush:

I can’t get the categoriser to work within the output writer sheet using the categories already in the sheet or use AI to search the columns and select the right category for me.

I have joined the cohort



Yeah I think you can pass in the list of categories from the Sheet to an Ask AI node and prompt it to select the right category.

Hi Wasey

Did you find out why the columns filled has been entered one column to the right? See here:


How can I fix this?

I still need the run link in order to check that. Please also share your Google Sheet with

Hi Wasay

Here is the link:



Can you hit save on the workbook page and share the workbook URL as well please. Also, please set its access to ‘anyone with the link can view’

Hi Wasay

Here you go:



Thank you Kam! Could you please upgrade the node’s version or delete the node and drag a new one from the node library and try again? That should fix the column mapping issue.

If this does not fix it, please share the run link along with access to the Google Sheet at

Hi Wasay

Thank you for that. The upgrading the node worked.

I’ve added 2 more copies of the flow using 2 different input sheets to the same output sheet but I’m getting errors:

Can you please help find out why?

Also, I’ve applied for the cohort on 3rd march but not heard back yet. Are you able to follow this up please?

Hey @kamlad - As the error suggests an empty value was received from the Google Sheet to the Ask AI node which the AI can’t process. To fix this you can either:

  1. Filter your spreadsheet to remove blank values
  2. Use a Filter node within the flow to filter out empty values

For the cohort, the invites haven’t been sent out yet, you’ll automatically receive an email closer to the date :slightly_smiling_face: