Hey @Utk15 - It seems like you’ve Create New Sheet
enabled in the Google Sheet Writer node. This requires drive credentials which seems to be missing here. Could you add your drive credentials on https://www.gumloop.com/settings/profile/credentials and try again?
Hey @Wasay-Gumloop - i just refreshed it multiple times and its showing the same error
Hey @Utk15 - Just to confirm did you re-authenticate Drive credentials or did you revoke and then authenticate again?
Could you also share the latest failed run link?
Could you try deleting the Google Sheet node and adding it back again please?
Can you show me how its done - I need to scrape data from here (https://www.sebi.gov.in/sebiweb/other/OtherAction.do?doRecognisedFpi=yes&intmId=16) into 4 collumn heads - Name of fund , Resgistration, Email , Address, Contact No
You can simply delete the node by hovering over it and pressing delete or select the node and hit backspace. Once you’ve done that add a new Sheet Writer node from the node library.
Also, the new failed run link you just shared is actually unrelated to the above. You do not have edit perms on the Google Sheet you’re writing to.
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