Google Sheets Writer ignoring input & writing to the wrong column

I’ve encountered an issue with the Google Sheets Writer node where it’s writing data to the wrong column despite correct input connections. Here are the details:


  • The Google Sheets Writer node is writing data to Column F (labeled Zest) instead of Column A (labeled Full Address)
  • This happens even though the Reader’s “Street” output is correctly connected to the Writer’s “Full Address” input


  • Spreadsheet: “Copy of Zestimate Spreadsheet”
  • Writer Mode: “Add New Rows”
  • Input Connection: Reader “Street” output → Writer “Full Address” input

Troubleshooting steps tried:

  1. Added Error Shield nodes - no errors shown
  2. Tried Find And Replace node as intermediary
  3. Verified all connections are correct
  4. Confirmed Loop Mode settings
  5. Deleted and readded the writer node

The data consistently writes to Column F regardless of the input connection to Column A’s “Full Address” input.

Any ideas why this is happening? Here is the link to the run:

Hey @Bethany_Burrow - Could you please share the Google Sheet with me ( Also are there any blank columns in between? If so, could you remove them and try again?

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