Gumloop run link as flow output

I have a flow that scraps URLs from an Airtable table.

After processing I tag them in Airtable as “completed”, or “failed” if there is an error during the run. For the records that fail, it would be really helpful to also add the run link to airtable for easy review.

Is it possible to do this?

Hey @Juan - The only way to retrieve the run URL dynamically is through the webhook : Start flow run - Gumloop

So technically this is possible - one way to do this is to set up a new workbook that calls your original workbook via this webhook (you can use the ‘Call API’ node here) and then parse the response of the webhook to extract the Run URL and write to Airtable.

Let me know if that makes sense and works for you.

Interesting. Thanks Wasay. This goes a bit over my head but I will give it a shot

Yeah this is definitely tricky so if you get stuck feel free to ping me here

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