In this flow, I am trying to combine two anwsers, on the subflow called Select TYPE, get ASIN and TITLE . Because demeding on an if-else, it is going to select something or not. The problem is that at the end of the flow there is always one of them blank, so the flow can not run. How can I combine both answers into one?
I tried using the combine text or the list, but as one of the inputs is blank I can not do it.
Thus, you will always have access to the inputs irrespective of the outcome of the If-Else. Then, you can forward the ELSE input1 to your downstream nodes. So, it would look like this:
Because always there is one in blank. Maybe, I could just put it to put an space. Because it will always be (“PRIVATE LABEL” or “WHOLESALE”), or (NO STORE). So when it is for example NO STORE, the other will be in blank.
No because the cell of combined text is still receiving one input in blank. There must be a way to get 2 inputs and having a node get one of them in blank. Or something that, when the node is blank, it just inputs something.
Hey @Noah270704 - You can use the Join Paths node here. The output would either be the selected category OR “NO STORE”. The Type output won’t be empty in this case.