"Join Paths Failed!" Error - Invalid Join Paths configuration

I am trying to join 18 paths using the “Join Paths” node. I am receiving the error: Join Paths Failed! Error - Invalid Join Paths configuration

My failed run link is shown below:

Any help is appreciated!

Hey @SimpliFi - I’ve requested access to view the flow but I can see from the logs that Input 16 is missing. All inputs of the Join Paths node are required.

You can learn more about how the Join Paths node works here: https://docs.gumloop.com/nodes/flow_basics/join_paths

Thank you for letting me know. I reconnected all paths, but I am still getting an error message:


Thank you for sharing access. The issue here is that the Join Paths node is incorrectly used. The node takes one or more conditional paths as inputs and outputs the path that was executed.

Eg: If you’ve two paths using the IF-ELSE node, the Join Paths node will take both of them as inputs and output only the one that was executed.

You can check sample workflows here: https://docs.gumloop.com/nodes/flow_basics/join_paths

You’d want to use a Combine Text node here to merge all the outputs together and send to the Outlook Sender node.

Let me know if that works for you.

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