Support for Lists of Lists/Tables/Arrays as an Input Type

Currently, Gumloop does not support lists of lists as an input type. While working on a CSV generation workflow, I found that my process naturally produced a list of lists structure. However, my custom node wasn’t able to accept this format, and without a built-in way to append data cleanly, I needed to create repeated sections to work around the limitation.

It would be helpful to support lists of lists, arrays, or tables as valid input types to better accommodate workflows involving structured tabular data (e.g., CSV generation, nested data processing). Adding this capability would provide more flexibility and streamline processes that require handling structured datasets.

Hey - We’ve noticed that List of List is often confusing for users however you should still be able handle them gracefully. You can either use a subflow (think of it as a for loop) and then loop the entire subflow avoiding List of List output. OR you can use a Flatten List of Lists node.

All nodes support array (list) by the way.

Subflow tutorial video if it helps:

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