Writing Product Reviews — Website Scraping Error

Pretty new here and to all things Gumloop, but I’m thinking this might be a bug:

A flow I’m working on can’t get past the first two steps. It says it had an error scraping a website in the 2nd node, but the error message shows text from the 1st node’s task, which is an entirely different website’s URL that it apparently scraped successfully: https://www.gumloop.com/pipeline?workbook_id=3VVmobuUW59jM45qKbvU2k&run_id=Wx8EJcMVrX4dchwSWYEiri

Also, I tried eliminating one of the website scraper nodes, but still got the same error. I even tried a similar flow with no website scraping and only file reading, but it also failed.

Maybe I’m just doing something wrong, but I’m curious to know what more experienced users here think. If it’s something I should send to Gumloop support through another channel, please LMK. Thanks!

Hey! The issue here is that you’re passing a website scraping step into another website scraping step. The second step expects a url and it’s getting the content from the site. If you eliminate one of them and remove loop mode, you should be able to get this running!

Thanks! I just tried that and it scrapes successfully and makes it into the first file reading step, but there it fails again.

Hey @rvmrosas - Could you share the run link where it fails on the file reading step. You can get the run link from the history page.

Sure! Here you go: https://www.gumloop.com/pipeline?workbook_id=3VVmobuUW59jM45qKbvU2k&run_id=8LSNKZXqvyRUcULU9ZQoKP

Try some subflows
And let them run seperalty

Hey @rvmrosas - The File Reader node expects a File input however your flow seems to be passing the website scraped content into the File input due to which the node fails.

I’d recommend reviewing some of the document processing templates here to get an idea of how the nodes work: Gumloop | Templates

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