Ask AI node not executing when previously was

**I realize this post comes off as total user error! It seems to be an issue with my Airtable nodes connecting to other nodes. I updated the airtable nodes yesterday and its been erroring since.

Its just tossing me the standard error code even though everything should be working fine. I didnt touch that part of the flow. Im also having the same issue with the text formatter node.

“Ask AI Failed!
There was an error in your Ask AI node. We can help you troubleshoot in the Gumloop Forum!”

Ask AI:

Text formatter:

Hey @Alexander - The issue here is that the Airtable Reader node is outputting a List instead of Text even though the Number of Records is set to 1. I created a ticket for this to investigate further, will keep you posted.

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Ah it is. thank you!

Hey Wasay. Were you guys able to take a crack at this yet? It unfortunately is a key part of my workflow and cant run it without it.

Appreciate you guys taking a look at it.

Hey @Alexander - We’ve actively been investigating Airtable related issues and will let you know when we have updates, appreciate the patience here!

Great thank you.