CSV Reader Failed


I’m getting the following run error message:

The specified column headers were not found in the CSV: First.

The available headers are: First, Last, Title, Company

Workbook accessible here.

Hi, If you can share teh workflow url, that would really make things easy what’s the real issue is. Try to send the url and will look into it, what’s goign on.

Hi there- it’s accessible in my original post, and also directly here at https://www.gumloop.com/pipeline?workbook_id=mLA44JnFoXX7t7hNz8fPq9&run_id=Hcg9AnQo9U8NoqDdNNmgJm

Share it for everyone.

Shared for access.

Hey @Steven - Could you please share the CSV with me: wasay@gumloop.com

Shared via Google Drive

Thank you! I downloaded the CSV from the spreadsheet and it worked for me: https://www.gumloop.com/pipeline?workbook_id=sbKggbhSzRgDkJasDxs4Jb&run_id=BaQL8joGGZSSR35KFTpiCa

Can you download the file as a CSV from the spreadsheet you shared, upload it again on Gumloop and then try to run the node please?

I downloaded the same file that I uploaded to Google Drive and used that in the same workflow that I created. Unfortunately I got the same exact error. The column headers that are available according to Gumloop are the exact column headers provided- I’m not sure why this error is even occurring.

Hey @Steven - Can you share the latest run link and attach the CSV file you used here please?

Here’s the latest run link- https://www.gumloop.com/pipeline?run_id=9aAhLT6qN4FZ46iPPM2xKP&workbook_id=mLA44JnFoXX7t7hNz8fPq9

CSV file used is also attached here

Enrichment 03.04.csv (262 Bytes)

Thank you and sorry about that! Looping @rahul-gumloop here - repro here: https://www.gumloop.com/pipeline?workbook_id=gmsV2PJRzvuSrvwEZpLGZy&run_id=USQ6bgCwidC75YJXmXYT9v

Hey we identified an issue and will be rolling out a fix in the next day or two. One thing to note is that other columns BESIDE the first one will work

Ok, thanks. To confirm, you mean any columns aside from “First” should work? So if I just remove “First,” the workflow will run properly?

Can you please let me know once the fix is made so that I can run the workflow with my whole dataset? Thank you!

Yup that’s right

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Hi there. Wondering about the status of the update to the issue that your team found. Thanks.

This should be fixed, just upgrade to the newest version of the node:

Awesome, works now- thank you!

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