Google drive to Google sheets

Hello, is it possible to extract general data on shared folders on Google drive to google sheets? If yes, please assist with guidance in creating a pipeline for this.

I just did a run but it didn’t generate the data I needed, please assist.

Hey @Soleil_Social - Please share the run link here from the history page with share access enabled.


Hello Wasay,

Here is the run Link-

The share is now live.

Thank you! So if I understand correctly there are subfolders in your main drive folder that you want to read correct? Would the Google Drive Folder Reader node not work here? This node outputs all the files in your selected folder which you can connect to a File Reader node to parse the file content.

Hello Wasay,

I want to read the list of shared folders, not the content inside the folders.

Gotcha so in that case the custom node should work. You’ll need to have the relevant Google Drive API though in order to fetch the list of shared folders. The AI in the custom node builder should help you create and debug the node, you can use it as a chat interface that has context to the node you’re creating.

Also, note that scraping the Google Drive link ( won’t work with the website scraper nodes as Google prevents the scraping, the output would be a 404 response (screenshot below)

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Thank you for this. Let me retry and update you.

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