List size mismatch from contact us email scraping

Trying to get email from contact us page, but there is a list size mismatch since some websites do not have a “contact us” or “contact” page. Would like to have a N/A replacement in the google sheet when that’s the case. Could I get any pointers on how to do so pls?

Workbook link:

Run link:

Hey @Valentin_Gallone! If you’re reporting an issue with a flow or an error in a run, please include the run link and make sure it’s shareable so we can take a look.

  1. Find your run link on the history page. Format:{your_run_id}&workbook_id={workbook_id}

  2. Make it shareable by clicking “Share” → ‘Anyone with the link can view’ in the top-left corner of the flow screen.
    GIF guide

  3. Provide details about the issue—more context helps us troubleshoot faster.

You can find your run history here:

Hey @Valentin_Gallone - Instead of wrapping the Website Scraper node in an Error Shield you should create a subflow of everything downstream of the Google Sheet Reader node and then wrap the subflow in an Error Shield.

That way if anything fails the entire process gets skipped or you can Pass Inputs Through on the subflow and write an error message on the spreadsheet for failed inputs.

The issue with the current approach is that some data is connected directly with the source while the other gets filtered through the Error Shield – this creates lists with different sizes and a node when receiving different sized list inputs doesn’t know how to pair them up.

Here’s a detailed guide with examples on list size mismatch:

Let me know if this makes sense and works for you.

Hi Wasay,

I think I did it but it doesn’t look like its returning anything onto the google sheets.

Check the workflow:


Run link: Can’t share as it was succesful.

Hey! You can expand the subflow node form the run log and view the failed runs:

On this failed run you can see that the Linkedin Profile Scraper node failed because it recieved the company name as the input:

Once you fix that the flow should work as expected. Also, you can test the subflow manually for a single input by adding Default Value in the input nodes to verify if everything works properly before looping it over your Google Sheet.

Instructions on how to use the run log to debug flows:

Hi Wasay, thanks for the extremely quick response.

Still getting some issues here, with nothing being populated in the sheet even after fixing the linkedin issue.



Perhaps the 2nd website scraper should be in an error shield as well in the subflow in order to continue operations?

Here’s what I did:

Also, I need to give a search value to the updater, so I set up a new sheets reader and connect the company name to the updater and that automatically turns the loop mode on to the updater. Kinda confused.

Yeah that would work. You’ll need to use a Join Paths node though to create two execution paths, otherwise the flow will just end if the Error Shield is hit. More info here (check example #3):

Also, I need to give a search value to the updater, so I set up a new sheets reader and connect the company name to the updater and that automatically turns the loop mode on to the updater. Kinda confused.

You can use the Company Name or the URL input as the search value since they’re both coming directly from the Sheet Reader node from the parent flow. Let me know if that makes sense.

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