Hello! (probably going to be Wasay haha)
So, I am building a facebook ad scraper and here is the goal:
- Scrape ads from X amount of ad accounts ONLY within the past 24 hours (so only scrape new ads)
- Once new ads are scraped, I want AI to analyze them to see if they are Compliant (I pasted a 1000 page compliance sheet within context window for it)
Here is how I executed this:
- I made an if else flow within the ad scraper to only filter ads with start date greater than -1 which I think accomplished this
- For the AI anaylzer, within the Prompt I said if it isnt compliant - flag it as “FLAGGED FOR NONCOMPLIANCE”
- And then put and if else node within the Analyzers to only show ads if it contains that statement
I feel like I have the setup down but the outputs from the scraper aren’t going into my AI anaylze subflow. It says List of the List does not equal list. When i turn loop mode off of facebook ad scraper it is solved… but I can only insert google sheet with ad account URLs to scraper if loop mode is on
Here is the workbook ID: https://www.gumloop.com/pipeline?workbook_id=jUHrioyuymbUTH61itPZw8