Need some guidance - 5 pictures of one product - need description

(cc @Wasay-Gumloop)

Hope all is well.

So I need some brain waves and ideas from you (Gummie is not as smart yet)

  1. I have 5 pictures of an item, all taken from different angles
  2. Every picture has its own url
  3. I need to generate one (overall) description per item

I can do an “Analyse Image” on every picture, then combine all descriptions and then create create a one description.

But this is an expensive solution.

Would there be a way where I combine the 5 pictures in 1 file/picture and then only have to one “Analyse Image” (instead of 5 plus an Ask AI to generate one final description

Creative ideas will be rewared with a big high five!



Hey! You can probably combine all of pictures in one PDF and then use a single Analyze Image or PDF OCR Reader node to generate the description. Let me know if that works for you.

Hey, how would I combine them in one pdf … can that be done via gumloop you think?

I could use Google Doc, it has a Insert function: Image “by url”. Here I could include the five pictures and then do One Analyze Image …
@Wasay-Gumloop what do you think … ?

If I just copy the URL (from Google sheet) to a Google doc … I only see the url in the Google doc … ;(

Yeah you’d need to do this outside of Gumloop, sorry for the confusion!

There are plenty of PDF editing tools like this.

@donna curious if the different angles are adding any value in terms of how you define a product?

Will let you know … interesting question …

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