@Wasay-Gumloop the following:
- I have 150 items in an google sheet
- Photo’s have been taken of these items (from different angles)
- Every item has 3, 4, 5 or 6 urls to a photo (in this google sheets)
- So some items have 4 photos and others 3 or 5
- I created a flow where these urls are copied to a google doc; 1 google doc per item
- Next step is to import these photo’s (from the respective url) into this Document
- And lastly to create a pdf of this document (with these photos)
- To then let the Image AI node make a description of these items
- (which need to go into a Shoppify environment)
Problem is as follows: - I created this first flow (for one Google Doc) where I created 11 input (max number of photo’s an Item can have)
- I had to give these input nodes a value …
- Then I created a second flow (with a subflow of the first flow) which I connected to the Google Sheet with the 150 items
- But then I ran into a problem … some of the items only have 4 photo’s … So the flow then selected the url’s from the first flow (for photo 5->10), with the “dummy” urls
(hope you can still follow me)
So the items with less then 10 photos end up with 10 photos, where 4 are good and the remaining 6 are wrong.
How do I solve this?
Thanks (as always)