e[31m RSS Feed Reader Failed!
There was an error in your RSS Feed Reader node. We can help you troubleshoot in the Gumloop Forum! https://forum.gumloop.come[0m
Using RSS reader (inoread) and literally the same problem no matter what feed i select.
e[31m RSS Feed Reader Failed!
There was an error in your RSS Feed Reader node. We can help you troubleshoot in the Gumloop Forum! https://forum.gumloop.come[0m
Using RSS reader (inoread) and literally the same problem no matter what feed i select.
Hey @Size12font - Could you please share the run link from the history page with share access enabled? You can set it to anyone with the link can view under the share button on the canvas.
Hey @Size12font - Could you please try revoking and re-authenticating the credentials for Inoreader here: Gumloop | Settings
Once you’ve done that please delete the node and add it back again. Let me know if that works for you, if not please share the run link associated with that along with the workbook link.
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