RSS Feeds - how to add custom rss

Hey y’all. First time caller.

I’ve been attempting to make a news aggregator that takes input from RSS feeds, scrapes the websites liked in the RSS feed and writes to google sheets.

The RSS Feed Reader documentation says I should be able to add an RSS feed but I only get a (paid) integration with Inoreader. I have tried using the GoogleAlerts RSS feeder as a work around but it never seems to output data.

I’m clearly missing something. Is there a simple, free way to add a custom RSS feed to trigger an automation? I’m OK paying for Inoreader but I’m reluctant to pay before seeing this work at least in one place.

Thanks !


Hey @FutureWork - The only way to add RSS feed is through the Inoreader RSS reader node or the Google Alerts RSS reader node.

When you say the Google Alerts RSS feeder does not output any data could you share a run link so we can see what’s going wrong?

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Sure why don’t you check here. The run is breaking on the join function but best i can tell it’s because no data is coming out of the RSS feeds.