I’ve tried this a few ways - 1 with my Admin API key plugged in and one with the Admin URL plugged in (without API key) and neither seem to work… I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but any insight is appreciate… link to my last failed run HERE.
Hey @RWCantel - I’ve requested access to view the flow. You can also enable ‘anyone with the link can view’ under the share button. Will look into this once I’ve access
I’m using arc browser - manually copied the link as the ‘clipboard’ button didn’t work, and don’t see a share option… sorry for being n00bish; can you tell me whereabouts that is?
EDIT – nvm, It’s too early for me haha… link is opened to anyone with it now! Thanks!
For reference, also, I got it to run to the end successfully the first time, but nothing posted to my ghost blog. I realized I hadn’t completed one of the subflows and that I may have been missing something there, but when I edited that, things went south… though I also changed the Ghostblog Admin API URL a couple times after so who knows.
Thank you for sharing @RWCantel - Could you please try revoking the credentials for ghost and adding them again?
This node requires a Ghost Admin API Key, and a Ghost Admin API URL.
- Go to https://ghost.org/, and log in with your Ghost site.
- On the dashboard, in the left menu, near the bottom, click on the Settings cog.
- Under the Advanced section, click on Integrations.
- Click on Add custom integration, name it, and click Add.
- Now you can see the Ghost Admin API Key and the Ghost Admin API URL.
API Key: Enter the Ghost Admin API Key on Gumloop
I’m getting the exact same error.
Did this 2 times no luck. I would think your actual test examples would work. Frustrated.
Do you have to have a paid account with Ghost for this to work?
I revoked and readded the API key under credentials (I didn’t regenerate a custom integration in Ghost). I ran the flow and it fails at the Ghost Blog Writer node… looked into the subflow and am unsure what’s going on there? I duplicated the YouTube video node for getting the transcript because I couldn’t edit the URL - is that just pulled automatically from the main pipeline page?
I reconnected all the nodes as they were (I thought) but may have messed something up… little help?
Gotcha, thank you! @RWCantel Could you please share your latest run link?
Also, looping @rahul-gumloop RE the Ghost issue.
Here’s the link.. Thanks for following up!
Hey this should be fixed now, let me know!
It runs successfully, but the content doesn’t post to the blog… hmmm
Can you send a link to your automation run?
Oh, I’m not totally with it… it made a DRAFT and then I had to manually publish it. Perfect! Works great - thanks!
Amazing, sorry about the trouble!
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