A flow that can notify the agents in my office about new leads

Hey everyone, I’m new here.

Let’s say we have a real estate lead source (Some landing pages for example)

Is it possible to build a flow that can notify the agents in my office about new leads (via SMS)?
And maybe another flow that will allow the agents to claim or confirm the lead?

The idea is that agents get an sms that lets them know a lead is available. They reply to claim the lead and only that agent receives all of the lead information.

This would be immense value for my office.

Hey @DigitalHost2025 - This should be possible, we have a SMS Notification node:

There isn’t an option to read SMS so the reply won’t be sent back to Gumloop. You could look into a workaround for this like using a Google Sheet, Slack or Airtable to mark the lead as confirmed.

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