Access to Workbook by Team Members in Orgnaization

I created a Flow in my personal account.
I duplicated it.
I moved it to the blue organization.
The blue organization has all my team members.
I want them to be able to edit the flow.
Is there anything else I need to do?

Hey @ksandersbbb! If you’re reporting an issue with a flow or an error in a run, please include the run link and make sure it’s shareable so we can take a look.

  1. Find your run link on the history page. Format:{your_run_id}&workbook_id={workbook_id}

  2. Make it shareable by clicking “Share” → ‘Anyone with the link can view’ in the top-left corner of the flow screen.
    GIF guide

  3. Provide details about the issue—more context helps us troubleshoot faster.

You can find your run history here:

Hey @ksandersbbb - By organization you mean a shared workspace correct? If the flow is moved to a shared workspace and all the team members are added to the workspace they’ll be able to view and edit it.

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