Flow Works on Manual Trigger, But Not Gmail Reader

I feel like I’m missing something fundamental with the triggers.

So this flow works flawlessly when I run it manually via the “Run” button:

But when I try to get it to activate via the Gmail Reader – which is set as the flow trigger – by dragging the unread email into the relevant Gmail folder, nothing happens:

How do I get this to trigger on the actual Gmail Reader node, not just the manual “Run” button?


@mikefutia I wonder is gumloop is maintaining some state on what was read because its the same email that you are marking as unread. Does this still happen when you send a new email?

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Just tested with a brand new email and still having the same issue.

Hey @mikefutia - Could you try the following please:

  • Disable the trigger on the Gmail node and save the workflow
    • Once you save, you’ll notice the trigger would disappear from the top panel
  • Once the trigger is disabled, delete the Gmail node and add it back from the node library
  • Enable the trigger now and hit save
    • You’ll notice the trigger would appear on the top panel

Once the trigger is re-enabled test with a new email and let me know if it works.

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That worked — thank you! Is that just a glitch, or is there something I should do differently next time?

Not a glitch, I believe you had the workbook open in multiple tabs and it didn’t save properly.

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