If/else not returning Any Data

Hi, I use a if/else condition for an AI to specify if a client already exist in a specific table from airtable.

It’s supposed to return the client name if it does exist. The If else node say “true” but then the “combine text” input is nothing.

How can I fix this ? : https://www.gumloop.com/pipeline?run_id=eRuracpUCr2fskYT26EsVo&workbook_id=bRE4hTZQ7bDimb7sqq8Hv4

Hey Ben! I’ve requested access to view the flow. You can also enable ‘anyone with the link can view’ under the share button.

just added you ! :slight_smile: ///

Thank you! Are you talking about this Combine Text node? The {input 1} is not connected to anything here.

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